CONTACTS: Amy Hammons, Texas Historical Commission, (512) 475-2692
DATE: June 7, 2019
AUSTIN, Texas - The Texas Historical Commission (THC) recognized the Medina County Historical Commission (CHC) with a Distinguished Service Award (DSA) for the 2018 year of service. This annual award affirms CHC's that document ongoing, well rounded programs of history and preservation-related projects. The award was presented during a meeting of the County Commissioners Court on July 18, 2019 to acknowledge the CHC’s dedicated service and stewardship of its architectural, archeological, and cultural landmarks.
“The Distinguished Service Award honors County Historical Commissions that go above and beyond to protect and promote local historic and cultural resources . They are essential to our agency's efforts to save the real places that tell the real stories of Texas" said THC Executive Director Mark Wolfe. "The Texas Historical Commission presents this Distinguished Service Award to Medina County Historical Commission to honor its efforts to preserve the Lone Star State's unique heritage"
Texas CHC’s provided more than 447,000 volunteer hours in 2018, which is an in-kind donation to the state valued at more than $11 million. The THC assists more than 200 CHC’s through programs and services that preserve Texas’ heritage for the education, enjoyment, and economic benefit of present and future generations. The THC’s advisory role to CHC’s is outlined in the Texas Local Government Code, the statute that enables County Commissioners Courts to establish CHC’s. The Volunteer appointees, as directed by county officials, initiate and conduct programs that preserve the historic and cultural resources of Texas.
For more information about CHC’s in Texas, visit or contact the History Programs Division at 512-463-5853.